Impact Assessment, CBA & Policy Evaluation

Economics plays an important role in understanding the implications of new government policies, regulatory requirements, legislative changes or public and private investments.

The assessment of impacts can take place before a policy or scheme is implemented or once a change has occurred, when the outcomes and effectiveness of an intervention against the stated policy objective(s) can also be evaluated.

Our clients include firms, regulators, government departments and third sector bodies both nationally and internationally

Combining robust analytical methods with innovate, cutting-edge solutions tailored to our clients’ needs and circumstances, our toolkit to analyse the impacts of policies and projects includes:

Policy development and appraisal

Assessing the rationale for intervention (e.g. to correct for market or regulatory failure, realise certain equity/ distributional objectives), and identifying and assessing relevant policy options in light of the intended policy objectives.

Cost-benefit analysis

Estimating and monetising the costs and benefits of the relevant policy options, often followed by a comparison of the costs and benefits of different policy options relative to a counterfactual of doing nothing (or doing the minimum possible).

Cost-effectiveness analysis

Comparing the relative costs of potential interventions, often as an alternative to cost-benefit analysis for example if the benefits cannot be expressed in monetary terms.

Compliance cost analysis

Assessing the costs of complying with specific policies or regulatory/ legal requirements e.g. in terms of increased costs and foregone revenue opportunities.

Multi-criteria analysis

Comparing policy options against a range of criteria including but not limited to cost.

Input-output analysis

Assessing the direct, indirect and induced impacts of a business or intervention through applying “multipliers” to estimate how the direct impacts ripple out across the economy, creating extra value as they do so.

Value for Money (VfM) assessment

Using metrics such as Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) and Net Present Public Value (NPPV) are to indicate whether investments represent value for money for public authorities. 

Our clients include firms, regulators, government departments and third sector bodies both nationally and internationally

Combining robust analytical methods with innovate, cutting-edge solutions tailored to our clients’ needs and circumstances, our toolkit to analyse the impacts of policies and projects includes:

Equally, these methods can be applied to analyse the broader economic, social, environmental and competition impacts of interventions, or to articulate the economic and social contribution of organisations or investments to local and national economies. Our toolkit also allows us to consider the distributional impacts for different groups of stakeholders (consumers, businesses, public sector, etc.) and to systematically take account of the risks and uncertainties surrounding the impacts. 

To ensure that business and policy decisions are based on robust methodologies and high-quality evidence, our approach to impact assessments and evaluations draws on a wide range of qualitative methods (e.g. evidence reviews and stakeholder consultation) and quantitative techniques (including econometrics and data science) and blends insights from both mainstream and behavioural economics (e.g. valuing non-market impacts through stated and revealed preference methods).

Depending on the needs and circumstances of clients, our analysis often follows the guidance published by public bodies such as the Green and Magenta Book (HM Treasury), Transport Analysis Guidance (Department for Transport), Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment guidance (Scottish Government), Better Regulation Guidelines (European Commission) whilst bringing innovative yet robust solutions based on our in-depth experience and in-house Impact Assessment Handbook.

Key Contacts

Please feel free to reach out to our experts if you have any questions.

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Executive Director and Principal

Director and Managing Consultant

Impact Assessment, CBA & Policy Evaluation Publications

Industrial symbiosis: benefits, barriers, risks and costs
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero commissioned Europe Economics to undertake research to identify and assess the barriers,...
DMCC: Economic Impact
Europe Economics was commissioned by Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) to review and critique the UK government’s impact analysis...
The Contribution made by Beer to the European Economy
This study was commissioned by The Brewers of Europe, who wish to understand the economic impact of the beer sector...
FCA Report on an Equities Consolidated Tape
Europe Economics is delighted to share our final report for the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on an equities consolidated tape...
Impact of Covid-19 on household water consumption - revised
This is a revised report, updating a report produced in March 2024. It was commissioned by Ofwat and produced by...
Response to Company Representations regarding Frontier Shift for PR24
This report sets out Europe Economics’ response to comments from water companies and their consultants in their draft determinations consultation...
Scam calls and texts in Ireland – costs and benefits of interventions
Europe Economics was commissioned by ComReg to assess the harms caused by scam communications to consumers, businesses, public organisations and...
The EU Emissions Trading System: Method and Effects of Free Allowance Allocation
Europe Economics was commissioned by the European Parliament to consider the system used for the free allocation of emission allowances...
Mapping of Optical Businesses
Europe Economics was commissioned by the General Optical Council (GOC) to conduct analysis of optical businesses to inform the GOC’s...
Economic Impact of Bereavement
Europe Economics was commissioned by Irish Hospice Foundation to undertake an exploratory study of the economic impacts of bereavement in...
Impact of Enforcement on tax and fines
This is a report, commissioned by the Civil Enforcement Association, CIVEA, about the ways enforcement affects compliance with taxes and...
Mapping Support and Liability for Vulenarble Households
Europe Economics was commissioned by the Local Government Association (LGA) to analyse the potential impacts of the withdrawal of COVID-19...
The economic value of advice provided by Citzens Advice Network in Scotland
This is a report by Europe Economics for Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) on the value of advice provided by the...
The financial case for integrated mental health care centres and supported housing pathways
Europe Economics was commissioned by Look Ahead to analyse the benefits and cost savings that can be made with an...
Contribution Made by Beer to the European Economy
This study was commissioned by The Brewers of Europe, who wish to understand the economic impact of the beer sector...
Impacts of Covid-19 on the Funeral Director Market – Implications for the CMA Investigation
Europe Economics was commissioned by the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD) to prepare a report on the economics of...
The Economic, Social and Innovation Value Novartis Brings to the UK
Europe Economics was commissioned by Novartis UK to quantify the economic, social and innovation impacts Novartis has upon the UK....
Value of the Testing Inspection and Certification Sector
This study by Europe Economics looks at the value of the testing, inspection, and certification (TIC) sector. It illustrates, using...
Automatic Upgrades
Europe Economics was appointed by the Financial Services Consumer Panel (the Panel) to investigate the potential value of a policy...
EU loan syndication on competiton and its impact in credit markets
This is Europe Economics’ final report on “EU loan syndication and its impact on competition in credit markets”. This research...

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Feel free to reach out to us to discuss your needs or ask any questions you may have. We welcome you to contact us for further information or to explore how we can assist you.