Economics Training Courses
We provide economics training courses to regulators, companies, consumer organisations and government departments.
Our training courses can be delivered either online or in person within the client’s premises.

Our training courses are delivered by senior staff with in-depth expertise in the subject area that they are presenting on.
To enhance the learning experience, we make our training courses interactive by encouraging questions and making use of discussion points and breakout sessions. Our training courses have consistently received good scores from attendees in course evaluations.
Our current portfolio of training courses includes:
Training course on utility regulation
This covers the rationale for price regulation, how price controls are calculated, the assessment of efficient costs, the basics of cost of capital estimation, mechanisms to deal with uncertainty, and the design of incentive schemes.
Training course on cost of capital
This covers the rationale for price regulation, how price controls are calculated, the assessment of efficient costs, the basics of cost of capital estimation, mechanisms to deal with uncertainty, and the design of incentive schemes.
Training course on tariffs for utilities
This covers tariff setting in the utilities sectors both for network businesses and at retail level.
Training course on competition law in the utilities sectors
This covers the application of competition law in the utilities sectors. Topics include concurrency, market definition, assessing market power, cartels, abuse of dominance, mergers, market studies and market investigations.
Training course on cost-benefit analysis
This explains how to carry out cost-benefit analysis of infrastructure investment or public policy.
Training course on behavioural economics in regulated sectors
This covers what behavioural economics is, common behavioural biases, the effect of biases on consumer and firm behaviour, and the implications for regulators and policy-makers.
Our training courses are delivered by senior staff with in-depth expertise in the subject area that they are presenting on.
To enhance the learning experience, we make our training courses interactive by encouraging questions and making use of discussion points and breakout sessions. Our training courses have consistently received good scores from attendees in course evaluations.
Our current portfolio of training courses includes:
Training course on utility regulation
This covers the rationale for price regulation, how price controls are calculated, the assessment of efficient costs, the basics of cost of capital estimation, mechanisms to deal with uncertainty, and the design of incentive schemes.
Training course on cost of capital
This covers the rationale for price regulation, how price controls are calculated, the assessment of efficient costs, the basics of cost of capital estimation, mechanisms to deal with uncertainty, and the design of incentive schemes.
Training course on tariffs for utilities
This covers tariff setting in the utilities sectors both for network businesses and at retail level.
Training course on competition law in the utilities sectors
This covers the application of competition law in the utilities sectors. Topics include concurrency, market definition, assessing market power, cartels, abuse of dominance, mergers, market studies and market investigations.
Training course on cost-benefit analysis
This explains how to carry out cost-benefit analysis of infrastructure investment or public policy.
Training course on behavioural economics in regulated sectors
This covers what behavioural economics is, common behavioural biases, the effect of biases on consumer and firm behaviour, and the implications for regulators and policy-makers.
In addition to the above courses, we can design bespoke training courses for clients in any area of our expertise. For example, we designed a bespoke training course for the Environment Agency on Willingness to Pay analysis, and a bespoke training course for the Payment Systems Regulator on regulating access to networks and facilities.
Key Contacts
Please feel free to reach out to our experts if you have any questions.