Fostering sustainable economic development through strategic planning, innovation, and collaborative efforts to ensure long-term prosperity for all.

Pathway to Thriving Economies
Europe Economics has extensive experience advising clients in the transport sector. This has included work in the road, rail, aviation and ports sectors. Europe Economics advises transport regulators and companies on a range of issues. This includes (but is not limited to):
Price control regulation
Europe Economics has advised transport regulators and/or companies on a range of price control issues. This has included the cost benchmarking, input price inflation, the cost of capital, the design of incentive schemes and financial modelling.
Investment appraisal
Europe Economics has used real options analysis to assist a transport client in appraising different options for the timing of a major investment.
Impact assessment
We have carried out various impact assessments of transport policies and regulatory options. We have also provided research on the monetisation of noise impacts in the airports sector.
Transport modelling
Europe Economics has expertise in gravity modelling to estimate the demand and revenue impacts of new transport services.
Competition and market analysis
We have experience applying competition law analysis, such as market definition and assessment of dominance, in the transport sector. We have also carried out market analysis, using both mainstream and behavioural economics to analyse whether market outcomes are likely to be in the interests of consumers.
Our experience in this area includes advising on the structure of access charges in the rail sector, building Long Run Incremental Cost (LRIC) pricing models in the airports sector, and providing training on tariff structures for a transport sector client.
Consumer protection
We undertook an assessment of consumer protection arising from the current travel trade industry bonding arrangements, and proposed and analysed possible options for reform.
Pathway to Thriving Economies
Europe Economics has extensive experience advising clients in the transport sector. This has included work in the road, rail, aviation and ports sectors. Europe Economics has done a wide variety of work in the transport sector, including (but not limited to) the following:
Price control regulation
Europe Economics has advised transport regulators and/or companies on a range of price control issues. This has included the cost benchmarking, input price inflation, the cost of capital, the design of incentive schemes and financial modelling.
Investment appraisal
Europe Economics has used real options analysis to assist a transport client in appraising different options for the timing of a major investment.
Impact assessment
We have carried out various impact assessments of transport policies and regulatory options. We have also provided research on the monetisation of noise impacts in the airports sector.
Transport modelling
Europe Economics has expertise in gravity modelling to estimate the demand and revenue impacts of new transport services.
Competition and market analysis
We have experience applying competition law analysis, such as market definition and assessment of dominance, in the transport sector. We have also carried out market analysis, using both mainstream and behavioural economics to analyse whether market outcomes are likely to be in the interests of consumers.
Our experience in this area includes advising on the structure of access charges in the rail sector, building Long Run Incremental Cost (LRIC) pricing models in the airports sector, and providing training on tariff structures for a transport sector client.
Consumer protection
We undertook an assessment of consumer protection arising from the current travel trade industry bonding arrangements, and proposed and analysed possible options for reform.
Some of our most recent projects and clients advised in these areas are the following:
Office of Rail and Road
We were commissioned by the Office of Rail and Road to undertake a study to develop and apply a gravity model to forecast the demand and revenue impact of the new services proposed by GUT between London Euston and Stirling.
Delivery Partner Award
Europe Economics was awarded a Delivery Partner style contract by the Office of Rail and Road to provide policy, economics and project management support for PR23. Some of our work has involved: review of the Schedule 4 possessions regime; benchmarking of Network Rail’s support function; mid-control period updates of Schedule 8 parameters and update of Schedules 4 and 8 freight payment rates.
We were commissioned by DG MOVE to conduct an impact assessment support study for a possible revision of the Air Services Regulation.
The Commission for Aviation Regulation Ireland
The Commission for Aviation Regulation Ireland (now the IAA) commissioned Europe Economics to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the current Irish travel trade protection scheme and develops recommendations for potential reforms.
Multiple Commissions for a Port's Authority
For a port’s authority, we have completed multiple commissions ranging from constructing a model of allowed revenue to estimating the cost of capital.
Civil Aviation Authority
Europe Economics led a consortium advising the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on HAL’s surface-access strategy. The work provided high-level advice on whether the strategy is in the interests of airport users and whether there is a case for recovering some of the associated costs of the strategy via airport charges.
Pathway to Thriving Economies
Europe Economics has extensive experience advising clients in the transport sector. This has included work in the road, rail, aviation and ports sectors. Europe Economics has done a wide variety of work in the transport sector, including (but not limited to) the following:
Office of Rail and Road
We were commissioned by the Office of Rail and Road to undertake a study to develop and apply a gravity model to forecast the demand and revenue impact of the new services proposed by GUT between London Euston and Stirling.
Delivery Partner Award
Europe Economics was awarded a Delivery Partner style contract by the Office of Rail and Road to provide policy, economics and project management support for PR23. Some of our work has involved: review of the Schedule 4 possessions regime; benchmarking of Network Rail’s support function; mid-control period updates of Schedule 8 parameters and update of Schedules 4 and 8 freight payment rates.
The Commission for Aviation Regulation Ireland
The Commission for Aviation Regulation Ireland (now the IAA) commissioned Europe Economics to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the current Irish travel trade protection scheme and develops recommendations for potential reforms.
We were commissioned by DG MOVE to conduct an impact assessment support study for a possible revision of the Air Services Regulation.
Multiple Commissions for a Port's Authority
For a port’s authority, we have completed multiple commissions ranging from constructing a model of allowed revenue to estimating the cost of capital.
Civil Aviation Authority
Europe Economics led a consortium advising the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on HAL’s surface-access strategy. The work provided high-level advice on whether the strategy is in the interests of airport users and whether there is a case for recovering some of the associated costs of the strategy via airport charges.
Key Contacts
Please feel free to reach out to our experts if you have any questions.