Jodie McLelland


Jodie McLelland is an analyst at Europe Economics having joined in 2023.

Jodie McLelland is an analyst at Europe Economics having joined in 2023.

Jodie McLelland is an Analyst at Europe Economics, having joined the firm in 2023 after completing her Masters in Economics at Durham University. 

Since joining, Jodie has advised regulatory bodies across a range of sectors, as well as supporting consumer and competition assessments. She recently contributed to a project for the Scottish Government, involving analysing the effects on competition and consumers as a result of a change in regulation to single use plastics.  

Jodie is also contributing to a project for Ofwat, regarding an evaluation of their Code for Adoption. She also recently provided analytical support for Ofgem’s Gas Transmission (GT) team for the RIIO-3 price control, which establishes the regulatory framework for gas transmission in the UK. She was also a lead analyst for a study commissioned by the market operator for the non-household water retail market in England. Her broader experience includes work with other regulatory bodies such as the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Office for Rail and Road (ORR), and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). 

She has a keen interest in competition policy and industrial organisation; her thesis investigated the anticompetitive effects of pricing algorithms in digital markets. Outside of work, Jodie’s interests include playing tennis, travelling to the mountains to ski and escaping to the Scottish countryside, where she was brought up.