Johan John is a consultant at Europe Economics, having joined the firm in 2021. He has experience advising clients on issues related to regulatory economics, cost of capital, impact assessments, economic evaluation, and applied econometrics across various sectors, including transport, energy, healthcare, and financial services. Johan holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge.
Johan John is a consultant at Europe Economics, having joined the firm in 2021. He has experience advising clients on issues related to regulatory economics, cost of capital, impact assessments, economic evaluation, and applied econometrics across various sectors, including transport, energy, healthcare, and financial services. Johan holds a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge.
Johan’s experience working with regulatory bodies includes a secondment to the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) to contribute to policy proposals combating Authorized Push Payment scams and Confirmation of Payee. He was also involved in a governance review project for PSR, analysing the governance structures of various intermediary bodies.
Johan’s other regulatory work includes a cost of capital project with the Authority of Consumer and Markets (Netherlands) advising on the cost of equity for the rail sector; reviewing the benchmarking model used to regulate electricity network charges for Energistyrelsen (Denmark); a review of the optical business market for the General Optical Council; a market comparison report for the future Non-Household Water Retail Market for MOSL; and advising the Flemish Energy Regulator on cost efficiency and financial incentive mechanisms.
Johan also has considerable experience in economic impact assessments and valuation. He advised the Civil Enforcement Association on the value of enforcement in the UK. He also has experience working with the European Commission, including a research project for DG CLIMA assessing the global market for carbon-traded ETFs and a project for DG FISMA evaluating the impact of the audit directive in Europe.
He has a keen interest in Financial Economics, Industrial Organization, and Microeconomic theory, along with significant experience in conducting quantitative analysis using statistical software such as R, Microsoft Excel, and Python.
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